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Getting Married in Kenya
The Catholic Church

Marriage is one of the seven sacraments taught in the Catholic faith.  


By its nature, marriage is both divine and human. When a couple exchange vows in a Church, with a Priest and two witnesses, God comes and He lives in the centre of that new union which is being created.  The primary purpose of marriage is the procreation of children and the secondary purpose is companionship.

Marriage in the Catholic Faith is a permanent relationship.  It thus must not be entered into lightly.  "They are no longer two, therefore, but one flesh.  So then what God has united, human beings must not divide" says Jesus Christ in the New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 19 verse 6.

Marital love is a response to the love that God has for each and every one of us.  On this earth, it is the highest form of love.  "Love is always patient and kind, never jealous, never boastful or conceited.  Love does not come to an end." (1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:8).


"Love embraces the good of the person as a whole and is far beyond mere erotic attraction which, selfishly indulged, quickly and miserably vanishes" Joy & Hope. 

"This love is above all fully human, a compound of sense and spirit.  Then it is a love which is total.  Married love is faithful and exclusive of all others and this until death.  And finally, this love is creative of life.  Love surely means something that one gives.  Christian love means "What have I to offer you, my beloved spouse rather than "What is in it for me."  In other words, one must enter into marriage with something to give the marriage, rather than to expect something from the marriage.


 True love and real consent are one and the same in a true marriage."  Humanae vitae, on human life Pope Paul VI.

Basic Requirements of a Kenyan Catholic Church Wedding 


If your are both Kenyan citizens and are both baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church, and you meet the state legal requirements, getting married will be easy for you.  Below are the documents you will carry with you on your first meeting with the Parish Priest when you go in to book your ceremony.

1. Baptism Certificate
The intended bride and the groom need to show proof of having received the Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church;

2. Confirmation Certificate
The intended bride and the groom need to show proof of having received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic Church;

3. Pre-Cana / Marriage Preparation Course Completion Certificate
The parties need to attend marriage preparation/pre-cana before taking matrimonial vows.  Moreover, they need to produce Marriage Preparation Course Completion Certificate;

4. Marriage Certificate
The parties must apply personally for a marriage certificate at Sheria House.  They need to produce the document in the Church when booking their wedding day;


5. Any Other Information
Each parish has their own Marriage Preparation procedures and the parties to the marriage need to make individual enquiries at least six to twelve months before the date of the wedding.  The Catechist or Parish Priest will give you further instructions on what you need to do.

Impediments to Receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church 

1. Age
A man must have completed his 16th year, a woman her 14th year before entering into the state of 
Holy Matrimony;

2. Impotency
A man and a woman must be capable of performing sexual intercourse;


3. Previous Marriage
No man nor woman can marry in the Catholic Church if either one has a wife or husband who is still alive from a previous marriage;


4. Disparity of Cult
A baptised Catholic cannot marry an unbaptised person; or a person baptised in another Christian Church without first getting a dispensation from the diocesan bishop or delegated priest.


5. Sacred Orders
Persons who have taken Sacred Orders such as Bishops, Priests and Deacons cannot enter into the state of Holy Matrimony.


6. Public Religious Vows
Persons who have taken public vows of religion cannot enter into the state of Holy Matrimony


7. Abduction
No man or woman can marry a person they have abducted as long as the abducted stays in the power of the abductor.


8. Murder of a Spouse
Murder and conspiracy to murder a spouse so as to marry afresh is an impediment to marriage in the Catholic Church.


9. Blood Relationships
No man nor woman may marry an ancestor or a descendant. Moreover, brothers, sisters and cousins cannot marry up-to the fourth line.


10. Affinity
No man nor woman can marry a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, daughter-in-law or any other person in the direct line of ascent or descent.


11. Public Decency
No man nor woman living in an invalid marriage/concubinage state who have had children from other people can marry a child of either partner.


12. Adoption
No man nor woman may marry a brother/sister who is related to them by adoption.  


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