Marriages Made in Heaven
These days when a man and a woman meet and they fall in love, their new heightened emotions may very well send common sense out the window! Many couples seem to have forgotten the teachings of years gone by and think it is okay to live together before the exchange of matrimonial vows! Considering that marriage was made in heaven, why would anyone want to leave God out of the picture?
“It is not good that man is alone,” said God. “I will make him a helper like himself.” He made Adam fall into a very deep sleep, and using one of Adam’s ribs, fashioned a woman around it. Eve was her name.
Before the coming of Jesus Christ, marriage was a civil contract between a man and a woman. Even then, it was a sacred union. God’s purpose right from the beginning was to create new human beings through two consenting male and female adults.
During His time with us on earth, Jesus raised marriage to a new level, and it is now a sacrament. Its properties include unity, meaning that a man can have only one wife and a wife can have only one husband. Marriage also became indissoluble, meaning that it is a permanent union. Once a man and a woman are completely united in consummated marriage, there is no power on earth, not even the Pope’s, that can dissolve your union.
As a sacrament, marriage conveys God’s grace into the new couple. On their wedding day, a couple in love administer the sacrament to each other and experience an increase in sanctifying grace, becoming spiritually stronger. The sacrament of marriage also imparts sacramental grace that enriches the couple with actual graces from God that enable them sustain a happy, successful matrimonial union throughout their lives.
These actual graces perfect the natural love between husbands and wives, elevating it to a higher supernatural level. An increase in holiness is experienced and this new state of life becomes a pathway to sainthood.
Another benefit of administering the sacrament of matrimony is the imparting of conscientiousness in the begetting and rearing of children. Prudence, the human virtue that enables us practice good sense and caution is also imparted. It enables couples handle the innumerable problems that they will face in family life. Moreover, the sacrament of marriage enables husbands and wives bear patiently each others shortcomings and faults. Lastly, this noble sacrament forges a bond which creates a moral change which is wrought in the souls of the couple.
There is, however one condition necessary to receive all these benefits. Each couple needs to co-operate with God, giving Him a chance in their lives. When they both co-operate by following His laws, they will experience the great things that God can do for them.
A Guide to Finding a Suitable Catholic Marriage Partner
Accept dates from only Catholic men or women;
Date only men or women who are free, willing and able to get married;
Do not keep company with separated or divorced men/women of the opposite sex, even if you are “just friends.”
When you do finally decide on the person you wish to spend the rest of your life with, make this decision alone;
Once you have made your choice, it is a good idea to introduce him/her to your parents;
If your parents have reservations about your chosen life mate, refer the matter to your local parish priest;
Throughout the courtship and dating period, keep yourselves pure. Pray together and involve God in your lives right from the start. Go to confession frequently, attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion together; as often as you can.