The Covid 19 Pandemic hit us. Yes. It really hit us hard. Weddings, whether in India or Japan; Kenya or Uganda; France or Austria; New Zealand or Australia, have either had to be cancelled or have been postponed to a future date when life returns to a new normal.
There are, however, the romantic few couples who have decided to go ahead and get married. Drastically reducing their budgets, many couples across the globe have resorted to streaming their ceremony on-line. They later celebrate at home with just close family, the best man and maid of honour. Due to the restrictions on movement and the closing down of many small and medium sized businesses, it has been hard to get things like flowers, food and beverages and even a cake!
We at Dorothy Humphrey's Weddings have put together this mouthwatering wedding cake recipe which either the bride, her best friend or mother can bake at home. He or she will need the following ingredients:
At your celebration party, cut and serve the cake using our etiquette guidelines outlined in Town & Country Wedding Resources Newsletter, Issue No. 2 Delicious Wedding Cakes.