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Bride & Groom

The Use of Birthstones in Wedding Jewelry - Sheer Folly and Nonesense?

Is the tradition of using birthstone jewellry mere folly and nonsense? A friend of mine asked me this question recently and I decided to find out the history of the use of gemstones.

In the very first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, we are told about a man. His name is Abraham. We are told about his great faith in God. Late in life did God fulfil His promise to give Abraham an heir. Abraham had so much faith that even in his advanced age, he was willing to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, on an altar to the most high God.

This son Isaac is the one God had promised, through whom generations would come forth. As many descendants as the stars one can see in the night sky.

It was through Jacob, a son of Isaac that this covenant would be fulfilled. Renamed to Israel by God Himself,his twelve (12) sons became the foundation of the state of present day Israel.

There was a drought over present day Middle East and into North Africa and beyond. The land where Jacob finally settled was affected by this severe drought. There was no food. No water. The people started to feel the pinch of hunger. They began to starve. Joseph, the dream interpreter had been sold into slavely and had been in Egypt (Misr) for a long time. His status had risen from slave to second in command over the upper and lower Nile regions. He was in charge of the storehouse, the sale and distribution network of the food.

From their present home, The House of Israel left in search of food as they heard that there was a great storehouse of grain in Egypt. While there, the brothers were reconciled. Soon, the whole House of Israel had moved to Egypt. They lived there in prosperity and they multiplied.

Years went by and a new Pharoah unfamiliar with Joseph's contribution to the prosperity of the state of Egypt took the throne. He enslaved the Jews and he mistreated them. After years of suffering under the hand of this new cruel Pharoah, The House of Israel was finally delivered and set free through the hand of God. Moses, the Jewish boy child who was drawn out of the water by Pharoahs own daughter became His prophet.

The House of Israel finally exited Egypt and started the long journey back home to the promised land. While in the desert, God made a covenant with His people, Israel. God instructed Moses, Aaron and the Jews to make a Tabernacle. During its construction, they were instructed to use onyx stones inside The Tabernacle. God also instructed them to fashion a breast-plate. This breast-plate was to be cut from blue, purple and scarlet cloth. It was square in shape and was worn folded double like an apron over the shoulders. God then instructed Moses, Aaron and the Jews to mount precious stones onto the breast-plate.

The stones were mounted in gold filigree settings with the names of the each of the sons of Israel engraved like a seal on them:-

Emerald-Levi Topaz-Shimon Ruby-Reuben

Diamond-Zebulun Sapphire-Yissachar Garnet-Judah

Amethyst-Gad Agate-Naphtali Citrine-Dan

Jasper-Binyamin Onyx-Yosef Aquamarine-Asher

God also instructed them to fashion another garment. This garment was called an ephod or a vest. On this vest they mounted onyx stones.

Why did God choose these particular stones for each son of Jacob? What were their use and their significance? Aaron, the High Priest chosen by God, wore the vest with the onyx stone first and then he would put on the breast-plate with the 12 gemstones over it whenever he went into the tent where The Tabernacle was.

Thus robed would he enter the place of the Holy of Holies, the Tent where the Tabernacle stood wherein God resided. He went to talk to God, to intercede for The House of Jacob/Israel. In this manner did he discern and make decisions for the 12 tribes with God as his guide. Below are their names in order of birth and the meaning of their names:-

1. Reuben "behold a son"

2. Simeon "hearing"

3. Levi "joined"

4. Judah "praise the Lord"

5. Dan "judge"

6. Naphtali "mighty struggles"

7. Gad "good fortune"

8. Asher "happy"

9. Issachar "he will bring a reward"

10. Zebulun "dwelling place of honour"

11. Joseph "increases, fruitful"

12. Benjamin "the son of my right hand".

Let us fast forward into the life of the future. In the book of Revelations, St. John tells us of a new city that will be built by God. The entrance into the new city will be through 12 gates. These 12 gates will be built into the city walls.

An angel giving St. John, the writer of this End Times book a tour of the city, shows him certain details. The city walls will be built high. At each of the 12 gates will be an angel.

The foundations of the city gates built into the wall will be decorated with every kind of precious stone. Moreover, these foundations will be inscribed with the 12 names of Jesus Christs' Apostles:-

1. St. Peter

2. St. James

3. St. Andrew

4. St. Phillip

5. St. Mathew

6. St. Luke

7. St. John

8. St. Mark

9. St. Thomas

10. St. Steven who replaced Judas Escariot

11. St. Jude and

12. St. Paul

So, my dear readers, is the use of gemstones in wedding and all other jewelry witchcraft, folly or is it a tradition created by God Himself? Here above tells of the origin of the use of gemstones for discernment and in times of decision making.

Please make an informed choice and use the precious stones wisely. Knowing that all power and knowledge comes from God and all glory should be given to God and to God alone and not to anything that He has created.


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