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Bride & Groom

Why do Brides Wear Veils?

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Since time immemorial, brides covered their faces on their wedding day to keep themselves modest. They also covered their faces so as to keep the devil and jealous evil spirits from seeing them so they would not prevent them from getting married.

Before Christianity, a bride had a range of colours to choose from. A red veil was chosen showing defiance. It was also considered as the colour of fire. Blue represented constancy and yellow was the colour of Hymen, the god of Marriage.

More recently, after the conversion to Christianity, white has become the preferred colour of choice for bridal veils. White symbolizes purity and celebration. White is also the colour of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Veils used to symbolize the brides innocence, and modesty. Today, a veil is purely a romantic custom.


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